Monday, July 7, 2008

How to overcome anxiety

Tips to Overcome Anxiety

Get rid of your anxieties and worries, move into the trance of calm and peace. This sentence would relate to approximately 90% of people in the world. With our hectic and overworked schedules we are bound to be stressed. These tensions could fall into anybody’s lap regardless of his age and any particular reason. These tensions and worries can be cured with just a little consciousness and self help. A few suggestions can help you overcome these anxieties and de-stress your self.


  1. Recognize the cause of your anxiety
  2. We get uncomfortable and start panicking only when we feel that some situation is unmanageable or difficult to manage. If you discover the reason for your tension, you have won half of the battle. Juana always felt uneasy whenever her boss gave her a deadline. Once she found out this problem, her next step was to find a solution for it.
  3. Think positive
    “Billy will positively find a way to enter girl’s hostel if he wants to”. We should always keep the mode of positivism alive in us and trust our instincts. We grow up fixing our problems whether they are algorithms, science, accounts or competing with friends at high school. If you had not lost then there is no way you can lose now. So, pep up and think about finding a good resolution to your problem.
  4. Share your problem
    At certain times just acknowledging the problem and being positive doesn’t help in keying out solutions. What you need to do is discuss your problem with a friend. This would not just unburden you but involve your friend in checking the way out.
  5. Light exercises and activity
    Try some light exercise or a light sport. Deep breathing exercises like breathing in from one nostril and exhaling from the other would definitely relax you. Light sport like swimming or bicycling would indeed be refreshing and rejuvenating. Even meditation and yoga helps you to calm your nerves and chalks out all the stress.
  6. Divert yourself
    Check out some latest movies and hot music at your nearest store. Watching them would take your mind away from tension and provide you time to compose yourself. Even your favorite show on T.V can click. You never know even some T.V shows can spell out the perfect answers to all your questions.
  7. Some light pills do the trick
    There are several chill pills available at medical stores which can help you to relax temporarily.


  • You can apply some lavender oil to relax and de-stress your nerves. Just one drop near your lobes does wonders.
  • Avoid high caffeine drinks as they stimulate your system and pile on more stress instead of relaxation.
  • Add a dash of lemon in green tea to relax your nerves..
  • Try all simple remedies before taking any anti-stress pills. It’s always easy to start on them but almost impossible to stop.
  • For adults usually a combination of a light drug and remedies works more effectively.
  • Stay away from the cause of your anxiety and tension. As “prevention acts better than cure”.
  • In some women, anxiety may be caused (or worsened) by low hormone levels, most commonly progesterone...and progesterone levels drop in times of stress (such as the holidays). Progesterone helps keep serotonin levels from dropping too low, and low serotonin can cause anxiety & depression. Doctors can test for low progesterone and prescribe it (though many doctors are unaware of the link with anxiety-depression); it is even available without prescription, which gives you an idea how safe it is when used according to directions. Indications that anxiety may be progesterone related are: symptoms get worse in the two weeks before menses, during perimenopause/menopause, or after giving birth. Sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by severe mood swings and insomnia; some women may get more headaches/migraines. NOTE: synthetic progestins such as Provera, medroxyprogesterone, DepoProvera, and birth control pills can make these symptoms worse instead of better; we're talking about progesterone specifically, not its "substitutes". Progesterone is available as Progest cream (a good brand) without prescription, and as Prometrium capsules with prescription.


  • These suggestions are suitable only for shorter periods of anxieties, where causes can be discovered and reasoned out. If problem persists for longer time please consult a medical advisor.
  • Even the lightest pills should be consumed after consulting a physician.
  • If these suggestions do not help, and nervousness still reflects in the behavior of the person at social gatherings. Then perhaps it is some kind of anxiety disorder calling for medical cure and not simple worry.
  • These measures do not stand-in for medical help, it may do you good in mild problems. Please consult a physician for severe attacks of phobia. Much pressure of anxiety and stress can have hazardous effects on nervous system and blood pressure. If not treated in time, your phobia can lead to substantial problems, social embarrassment and lack of confidence to face situations.
  • Keep working with all the techniques until you find what works best with your fears. This modus operandi will help you to stand against your fears and blow away your problem with time. Remember all techniques and ways have diverse effects on people and the results may vary from one person to other. Be patient and calm, no one can stop you from triumph in the battle except yourself.
A great self-training resource that helped me do away with most of my anxiety It is probably the best self-help course out there on the internet with a revolutionary new technique and exercises to get rid of anxiety without medication or hypnosis! The main method in that course is the "One Move Technique". Anxiety can be brought on in many ways. Obviously, the presence of stress in your life can make you have anxious thoughts. Many people who suffer from anxiety disorders occupy their minds with excessive worry. This can be worry about anything from health matters to job problems to world issues. However, there is a simple technique known as the "One Move Technique" that is so powerful in restoring yourself back to your former care free self. Its not about eliminating panic attacks but also getting your general anxiety level right back to zero without the use of any medication or alternative therapies. This technique is based on advanced psychology made simple for everyone to apply.

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