Personal Tips to overcome Anxiety and Panic attacks on a permanent basis without the use of Drugs. These tips are from my own experience as I practice them on a daily basis. Almost half the population in the world suffers from some form of Nervous Disorder or Brain Dysfunction. The sources of which could be Genetic as in the case of OCD or brought about by present circumstances in a persons life or imbalance of the chemical structure in the brain. I have been in the shoes of a Anxiety and Panic attack sufferer for years. It does not hinder my work or my life any more as much as it used to. The following activities and discipline helped me considerably to do away with a major part of my anxiety. This is an article from a Yogic point of view. It will help you too if you are disciplined, dedicated and devoted.
- Cardiovascular exercise - Very important to have some form of exercise which makes you sweat and increase your heart rate as it releases "endorphins" which are termed as feel good hormones.
2) Drink a lot of water - Water is a miracle drug, it has been termed the food of life. It flushes the body of toxins and acts as a buffer from Anxiety and Panic attacks. Water is also the best food for age-reversing and providing color and glow to the skin.
3) Food - If you can and are disciplined, avoid meat and soda as much as possible as they excite the Nervous System and may act as a catalyst to the attack. Eat plenty of raw foods and try to get a serving of Green Juice Every Day. 8 glasses of water is essential for any mental related disorder
4) Pranayama - The ancient Yogic art of breathing. I teach pranayama and can vouch for the fact that it helps a great deal to calm the mind. Alternate Nostril Breathing is the Number 1 exercise. Do it for a minimum of 10 minutes in the morning and evening. It balances the left and right brain and the ida and pingla nadis which are carriers of energy around the chakras. Even 5 minutes will calm your mind!
5) Alcoholic beverages and Smoking - Should be a NO. I stopped smoking and drinking and it helped me considerably. Nicotine is a stimulant.
6) Spirituality - Helps and gives you a sense of inner belief and power. Even MD's agree to the power of Prayer in healing illnesses.
7 Silence - This is extremely important. When tigers of worry and fear are chasing you, your only relief is the inner temple of silence. Stay silent for half an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Longer if you can. You will feel its power and it will help you cope with life's battles. This is imperative to success in healing and control of panic and anxiety.
The other non-drug and non-hypnosis treatment that I am currently using to a great success is from this resource It offers a technique which is called the "One Move Technique" The summary of which is, instead of having fear of the panic or anxiety attack, you welcome it when it occurs. This changes the brain's response to it. Instead of aggravating panic, it dissipates the response to something much milder in your psycho-physiological makeup. These are my tips to overcome anxiety, panic attacks and phobias on a more permanent basis. Medication will never cure an illness, they are meant to treat the symptoms and not cure the cause. Good Luck and Thanks for reading!
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